PIANO WRAPPING – the Cosmetics of Style
Pianos are a heavy-duty investment, and people are sometimes reticent to choose an unusual or designer styled piano for fear that they will just get tired of it. It won’t do to run out and buy a new piano every time you change the drapes or the décor.
Perhaps the fast paced and highly technological world has impacted us in some curious ways. People seem to want “change” in their lives on a much grander scale than before – and by that I mean that we seem to crave excitement and newness in our everyday lives. Television and internet ads are at us to buy more, bigger and better, when in fact it can get very expensive to swap out homes, furniture and wardrobes for all new styles. A reasonable alternative is a makeover, and that cosmetic fix can sometimes totally sate that urge for change.
I do believe that is how Piano Wrapping was born. People realized that could make superficial changes without giving up their basic assets.
During the long and wonderful history of plastics manufacturing, “wrap vinyl” was born. It is a thin, removable vinyl that can be digitally printed with any color, photograph, or graphic of your choice and professionally wrapped around just about anything. The applications for such a product are myriad. With a lower-tack adhesive, items can be wrapped (and then unwrapped later if you choose to) including signage, architectural displays, automobiles, walls, floors, appliances, furniture and yes, pianos.
Some professional music venues are sending out their pianos to be wrapped in a different color for every event. These vinyls can be ordered in matte, satin and gloss finishes too.
In 2012 for the London Olympics, the rock group MUSE had their piano wrapped in silver chrome for a show stopper.

American Idol dolled up one of their sets with this hot pink upright wrap.

With digital printing, the sky’s the limit for designing some exciting changes:
Here’s a whimsical design that kids might love too

An extraordinary Steam Punk design

The sweet and romantic baby grand

The British invasion:

For artistic tastes – there are no limitations

Euro Pianos Naples loved the idea of piano wraps, and had the top front panels of two of their upright pianos wrapped for two different events. Euro Pianos Naples uses a vinyl professional to do these piano wraps in the correct way. It’s important to find an experienced vinyl technician for this job, as there is technique and skill required to wrap something as challenging as a grand piano. The wrap must look perfect and perhaps most importantly it must be safe for the piano finish. There all kinds of design possibilities – wrapping the lid (inside or out) or putting a graphic on the sides or on the legs. If you have a theme, an event, a home décor, or any reason whatsoever to change your piano’s personality, let us help you.
Please call us to set up a consultation for your wrapping needs! It’s fun, it’s reversible, it satisfies that occasional quirky desire for CHANGE! and best of all – it protects the finish on your piano. Suitable for teachers who want to protect their music racks, performance venues who want to have the look of a just polished grand piano for a fraction of the cost.
About Euro Pianos Naples
Euro Pianos Naples is a respected distributor of European luxury musical instruments. The company’s origin dates back to 1965. Euro Pianos represents world renowned brands such as Sauter, and it has recently become a manufacturer of its own acrylic instrument – The Aire. Apart from being a successful retailer and entrepreneur organization, Euro Pianos is actively engaged in the artistic and community life of Naples, Florida as an organizer and supporter of musical events throughout the years.